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Empowering you to live your most nourishing and fulfilling life! 

Expand Into Possibility



Receive intuitive guidance to get to the root cause of the obstacles you are experiencing, so that you overcome them in the fastest way. 


Take the driver seat of your life and learn how to manifest what your heart desires. 


Heal from past trauma and break negative patterns. 


Reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve greater levels of success and fulfillment in your relationships & career. 


Heal your body by getting to the emotional root cause of the illness, plus powerful energetic healings. 


Develop your intuition so that you hear your Divine guidance and start living your life on YOUR terms. 


Receive advanced energetic healings to align your chakras, remove dark energy, and boost your vibration frequency. 


"All of us have something beautiful to share with the world. We are not meant to fit in and compare ourselves, we are here to create and express our uniqueness. When we are in touch with our intuition and we learn how to put ourselves first, we glow in every single area of our lives. Our obstacles, trauma and pain are here to help us evolve and the sooner we find the lessons, the sooner we overcome and transform our lives. There is a gift in every situation. The reality you are currently experiencing is only a reflection of your current thoughts, actions and energy. It only takes a few small adjustments on your daily routine to get you from where you are to where you want to be. It is our birthright to live a life of empowerment and purpose."

-Julie Mullins






During the session, Julie will use her 11+ types of intuition to get a clear

channeling from Source energy, your higher self and your spirit guides. Clarifying the current spiritual life lessons you are facing and the most empowered way to overcome them. 


A combination of intuitive guidance and energy healing, to clear any life questions you might have with tools to change your life in the most positive way. In your health, relationships, career or finances. 


The energy work (done prior, during and after session) is personalized according to the healing needed. Body, mind and spirit.


The energy healing may include: Energy retrieval, healing body parts, frequency boost, cord-cutting from past relationships, chakra repair, dark forces clearing, soul karma, trauma healing, akashic records pull, heart opening, youth regeneration and more.

Image by Edz Norton

Intuitive Reading

Source channeled messages, Soul path clarity, psychic read on any personal questions you might have. 

Ray of Light

Energy Healing

Removing blocks, breaking negative patterns, trauma recovery, body healing, dark energy clearing, frequency boosting, cord cutting, chakra alignment, accessing the akashic records, unlocking hidden abilities and much more. 

Image by madison lavern

Guided Meditation

Align you with your Soul path, have clarity on your life, journey and get to the root cause of whatever obstacles you are experiences (body illness, relationship patterns, financial blocks, career expansion), & give you the best way to overcome them.



"Just wanted to share a beautiful note about my Healer Julie,

I came to her for clarity and guidance to a situation quite rough at the time, when I got on zoom, she already knew what was happening to me, through her gift of connecting to source, and intuition.

She shared with me what my obstacles are and how I can overcome it. Before I even opened my mouth to say what is happening to me. Damn, she was right on point! I love working with Julie, she is a breath of fresh air.

And now I'm excited to have her as my mentor, she helps me shine a light on the work I am currently doing.



"The session I had with Julie honestly can't be put in words so I'll do my best...

It is scary. lol It's amazing how accurate everything she says is! It's almost like she is in my head already! 

I highly recommend taking her healing sessions.

It'll really change your perspective on a lot of things in life, specially how you perceive reality. 

I can say that after sitting down with Julie I have a much better understanding of how to balance emotions such as fear & not let it control my thoughts. Taught me how to operate at a much higher frequency on a day to day basis, as well as how to tap into my higher self everyday and repeatedly.

Such a wonderful person! Smile is bright & her energy is contagious! Answered all of my testing questions in a heartbeat so I know she really knows what she is doing. :]

Seriously grab a session with her! I know you will be glad you did! & I know she'd me more than happy to have you as a part of her journey as well."




“... It was a hot August day, a very special baby was born, the baby was named Raya, that was me, a new me! I always believed I was special and had special mission in life to leave a big mark on the world. At some point I lost myself, but then there was Julie. Very interesting and confident persona.. In just the first hour I spent with her knowledge of how to put my mind to work properly again she helped me find myself again. Taught me how ground myself and not lose focus! Already in the first session alone it changed my life, my daily routines and built my new habits.. with that being said I am more confident and looking forward to achieving all my goals and dreams!”

Raya Stoynova 



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